Energy Industry Webinar Production & Promotion
Specialized Maintenance and Engineering Services Allow HRSG Owners to Protect Their Investment
Paul Gremaud, Aftermarket Services Manager for Nooter/Eriksen will be discussing key areas of focus for HRSG owners and operators. Major issues addressed will include:
The basics of a successful HRSG inspection program (daily and every outage)
Cyclic vs. baseload operation - reliability improvements
Risks of low load operation
The impact of cycling and fast starts due to market price opportunity
Specific reliability issues – condensate management, desuperheaters, water chemistry
Life assessment tools and assumptions
Need for large capital projects – coil replacements, grid/duct burner replacements, CO catalyst supply and installations
Below are some of the questions discussed during the webinar:
Is Nooter/Eriksen able to perform a gas side differential pressure (dp) review on non-Nooter/Eriksen equipment?
Can you discuss in more detail why HP Drum Manway System is so successful?
How do you remove the tube bends from the configuration shown?
Where do you install thermocouples?
Can you discuss failures?
At low loads during start-up, customer's plant is experiencing large vibrations that shake the HRSG. They have considered installing acoustic baffles in the SH sections, but the CIP project is 2 years old. Should they consider moving the project up?
What are typical inspection guidelines to support the reliability claimed here?
How old were the units on which LP evaporator coils or economizers were replaced?