Power Industry Webinar Production & Promotion

Safe Guarding T&D Assets Against Fault Currents

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As an energy industry marketing firm Krishnan & Associates offer complete production and promotion of webinars through our Webcast Experts division.  Our team of experienced technical writers and graphic designers create the registration page, invitation material, and a branded live console for every event. Here is an excerpt from a registration page created for our client:

Population growth and urbanization have contributed to increasing electric power demand. At the same time, climate change concerns and CO2 reduction objectives are driving utilities to increase distributed and renewable power generation. This, in turn, significantly increases local energy levels in the electric grid. Additionally, renewable power sources are inherently inconsistent. These inconsistencies are managed with the addition of conventional generation and substation inter-ties, which further increase local energy levels. This can cause abnormal, transient “fault currents” to exceed allowable levels, negatively affecting grid reliability and stability.

In this informative webinar, Albert Nelson, Director of Business Development for Applied Materials, will provide an in-depth view of Fault Current Limiters (FCLs) covering:

  • Superconducting FCLs (SCFCL) which provide fault mitigation for high voltages (to 400 kV) and

  • Solid-state FCLs (SSFCLs) applications which utilize solid state electronics for 6 kV to 45 kV applications.

  • How these products enable:

    • Increased substation capacity

    • Easier addition of new generation

    • Protection of key assets

    • Easier interconnection of distributed generation

    • A more reliable and resilient grid