Power Industry Webinar Production & Promotion

The Value Proposition for Large scale CFB Coal Technology for Indian Sub-continent

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As a power industry marketing firm Krishnan & Associates offer complete production and promotion of webinars through our Webcast Experts division.  Our team of experienced technical writers and graphic designers create the registration page, invitation material, and a branded live console for every event. Here is an excerpt from a registration page created for our client:

The webinar will focus on the technical, economic and environmental benefits of CFB boilers that may be customized for the Indian power market. Plant case studies relevant to the Indian market & fuels will be presented, such as:

Korea’s 2,200 MWe Samcheok Green Power Project (4 x 550 MWe), uses SFW’s ultra-supercritical CFB technology. Topics of special interest to Indian power developers include the unique plant design features that give KOSPO, the plant owner, the greatest possible flexibility in fuel procurement. This important design feature now saves KOSPO millions of dollars in fuel cost each year of operation.

Turkey’s 450 MWe Soma Kolin (2 x 225 MWe), is a project under construction using SFW CFB technology that will efficiently burn locally-procured very low-quality lignite. This is an important example for Indian power developers who are constrained to using low quality coals and lignites yet are challenged by regulators to meet low air emission limits while producing affordable and reliable electricity.

UK’s Teesside Renewable Energy Plant (1 x 299 MWe), the world’s largest “brownfield” 100% biomass-fired power station in the UK features SFW’s advanced biomass CFB technology.