Technical Article Writing & PR for the Power Industry

Self-Tuning Artificial Intelligence Improves Plant Efficiency and Flexibility

Power | April 2021 | Adex

The ADEX Self-tuning AI allows under-performing plants to improve their thermal efficiency while minimizing thermal stress to the equipment, reduce startup time, and improve operating flexibility for both coal-fired and combined cycle plants. Flexible plants, particularly responsive plants with excellent ramp rates, high turn-down, and good load-following capabilities under AGC, are particularly valuable to a system operator. Also, the plant moves up in the dispatch order, which produces a greater economic return on the owner’s plant investment.

Jose Martinez is CEO of ADEX Group, Isaias Martin-Hoyo is COO of ADEX USA, and Ravi Krishnan is managing director of Krishnan & Associates. This article was written for ADEX in cooperation with Krishnan & Associates, a specialized energy industry marketing firm.

Written by K&A on behalf off Adex for publication in Power