Technical Article Writing & PR for the Power Industry

Fuel Flexible CFB Technology in Large Scale Power Generation

As an energy industry marketing firm Krishnan & Associates develops specialized technical and commercial content for our energy industry clients. Here is an example of an article that we wrote and published for our client in the energy industry:

Modern Power Systems | November 2019 | Sumitomo SHI FW

The use of Sumitomo SHI FW (SFW) circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustion technology has grown from small-scale applications to large ultra-supercritical power plants in less than 20 years. The CFB is rapidly becoming the technology of choice for solid fuel-fired power generation applications, particularly for locations with lower quality and biomass fuel supplies. The fuel flexible and innately lower carbon emissions of CFB technology also addresses the need for sustainable use of domestic fuels in many countries, writes Asif Hussain, SVP of Strategic Business Development, Sumitomo SHI FW.