Technical Article, Thought Leadership & Public Relations for the Energy & Power Industry

India’s Power Industry Struggles to Solve Pollution Problems (Ravi Krishnan Quoted) 

As an energy industry marketing firm Krishnan & Associates develops specialized technical and commercial content for our energy industry clients. Here is an example of an article that we wrote and published for our client in the energy industry:

Power | May 2018

In a bid to tamp down pollution, India’s government in December 2015 notified the country’s coal generators they would need to meet—for the first time—new emissions limits for nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and mercury, as well as tightened limits for particulate matter (PM) and water consumption. The gazetted notification gave new plants until January 2017 and existing plants just two years—until December 2017—to curb those pollutants.

Ravi Krishnan, founder of global consulting firm Krishnan & Associates, also cited in the report, told POWER that competition among pollution control manufacturers is fierce in India. “I personally don’t believe that there’s a shortage of suppliers because there are at least 30 to 35 emission control companies around the world who are all centered into India, because the market for worldwide coal-fired emissions control technologies are dwindling. Coal-fired power plants are no longer being built in many parts of the world and some are being shut down because of revenue pressures from gas.” Krishnan said demand for emission control technologies is dependent on new markets like India. “In fact, at a recent bid at NTPC, I think there were close to 25 to 30 suppliers. There are a lot of Chinese, European, American, Korean, and Japanese suppliers with [joint ventures] in India,” he said.