DistribuTech 2024

Introduction: Mr. Ravi Krishnan, K&A's Managing Director, attended the DistribuTech 2024 event in Orlando, Florida, between February 26th and 29th, 2024. We met with top firms including GE Vernova, OATI, IBM, Ampacimon, IQGeo, Intralink, Exacter, Sense Waves, Safe Grid, Oracle, Itron, Shell, and many more. Our presence fostered extensive talks and partnerships on grid modernization, Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and other energy transition ideas and technology.

Luke: I am Luke Raithel, here with my colleague Ravi Krishnan at DistribuTech 2024. Ravi, what are your thoughts on the first day of the show?

Ravi: Luke, this has been an excellent show. We learnt a lot of new things, and it’s unbelievable how utilities have adopted the digital solutions. For example take DERMS. Grid software and DERMS shows that utilities recognize the value of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and their impact on the grid. Many distribution companies have also realized the value of data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other predictive capabilities in improving grid reliability and situation awareness. So, in all, it's rather surprising to see how utilities are using digital solutions in a very inventive way that can increase performance.

Luke: Terrific! We'll be back tomorrow with more insights from DistribuTech 2024.