Industry Perspectives: CFB Boiler Technology
Is CFB Boiler a Better Option than PC Technology? You Decide
CFB boiler technology has increased its world-wide presence principally due to its fuel flexibility feature combined with significantly reduced air emissions, particularly SOx, NOx and CO2. The CFB’s fuel flexible and low emissions design provide power producers the ability to utilize the lowest cost coal, petcoke, coal slurry, lignite, washery rejects and biomass in variable mix combinations, to produce the lowest possible power cost for their consumers. CFB technology also offers several additional commercial advantages. Its inherent low emissions design avoids the cost of installing and operating DeNOx and DeSOx flue gas cleaning equipment while conserving water. Combining ultra-supercritical CFB boiler technology with biomass co-firing allows plant owners to realize reductions in net CO2 emissions while keeping reliability high and costs low. Long-term operating data demonstrates that CFB clean coal technology has a lower forced and planned outage rate and thus higher reliability than conventional pulverized coal and stoker type biomass combustion technologies. The CFB boiler option can be applied to both new greenfield plants and existing plants as a repowering option. Repowering the steam side of an operating or retired coal-fired plant is a lower cost option than building a new greenfield plant. Without the need for construction of new infrastructure, the more reliable CFB boiler can be used to reduce operating cost and emissions
As a marketing service provider to the Cleantech, Energy & Power Industries globally. Krishnan & Associates has conducted a series of webinars on this topic offering valuable information and market research and business intelligence attended by hundreds of energy plants globally. Click on the link below register and attend these webinars.
Selected Webinars: CFB Boiler Technology
Multifuel and WTE Plants - Fuel Flexibility and Decarbonization in Utility & CHP
The Benefits of CFB Technology for Multi-fuel CHP and WTE plants (Asia)
The Benefits of CFB Technology for Multi-fuel CHP and WTE plants (America)
The Growing use of Petcoke for Power Generation using CFB Technology (Americas)
The Growing use of Petcoke for Power Generation using CFB Technology (Middle East Asia)
The Value Proposition for Large scale CFB Coal Technology for Indian Sub-continent
Improving CFB Boiler Plant Operation & Reliability with Smart Services (Asia)
Improving CFB Boiler Plant Operation & Reliability with Smart Services (Americas)
The Growing Use of Petcoke for Power Generation Using CFB Technology
The Value Proposition for Large scale CFB Coal Technology for Indian Sub-continent
Large scale CFB Technology for Greenfield and Repowering Applications
Fuel and Carbon Flexibility Benefits Provided by CFB Technology
Update on CFB Experience for Large Scale Utility Power - USA
Update on CFB Experience for Large Scale Utility Power - Asia
Use of Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion for Lignite & Low Quality Fuels
Update on CFB Experience for Large Scale Utility Power: Presented for AE Firms
Update on CFB Experience for Large Scale Utility Power: Presented for AE Firms
SDA and CFB Scrubbers – Two High Value Solutions to meet MATS, RH, and CSAPR
A Flexible Multifuel CHP Solution - The Zabrze CFB Project in Poland
Selected Technical Articles: CFB Boiler Technology
Interview with Sumitomo SHI FW’s Eiji Kojima and Tomas Harju-Jeanty at Asia Power Week, 2017
Fuel Flexible CFB Technology in Large Scale Power Generation
Sumitomo breaks ground in circulating fluidized bed market with launch of Sumitomo SHI FW
Fuel Flexible CFBs are the Future of Solid Fuel Power Generation
Why the circulating fluidised bed boiler makes sense for India
Using CFB for a new generation of fuel-flexible distributed CHP in Poland