K&A Presents CFB Technology Seminar for South Africa's Energy Future - July 18

On July 18, 2018, Krishnan & Associates organized and produced a seminar for a major OEM titled “Advancements in CFB Technology Providing the Best Solutions for South Africa’s Energy Future” at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Many electric utilities, OEMs, and experts from South Africa's power and energy industries attended the event, including Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd, Sasol Group Technology, WSP, Steinmuller Africa (Pty) Ltd, Sebenzana, CSIR, STMEEC Pty Ltd, and others.

Important Questions this Energy Seminar Answered:

  • How SFW CFB technology can enhance fuel flexibility to enable South African power plants to choose from a range of discounted opportunity coals?

  • How SFW CFB technology can meet South Africa's emission standards today and into the future without expensive DeNOx and DeSOx equipment?

  • How SFW CFBs provide a low-cost and low-risk carbon reduction strategy for South African power generation sector?

  • Why CFBs plants avoid expensive air pollution control equipment, particularly water-consuming DeSOx equipment, and save millions on plant capital, annual O&M, and scrubber waste disposal costs?

  • Why do SFW CFB plants routinely enjoy higher plant reliability than conventional pulverized fuel and stoker boiler plants?

  • Why will SFW CFB technology not experience the same poor O&M and reliability problems reported by other CFB manufacturers?

  • Can CFBs operate efficiently as a CHP plant when burning a variable mix of fuels?

  • What level of plant reliability and availability should you expect when burning opportunity fuels available in South Africa?

  • How does the SFW CFB plant reliability and availability history compare with the projected reliability and availability of coal plants now under construction in South Africa?

  • Can CFB technology be used to repower South Africa's aging coal-fired power plant fleet?