Energy Industry Webinars

K&A organizes specialized webinars in the power and energy industry aimed at decision-makers across a range of Generation, Transmission & Distribution technologies. Our target audience includes power plants, refineries, EPCs, A&Es, petrochemical plants, industrial power facilities, as well as transmission and distribution companies. The goal is to generate brand awareness, demand, and lead generation for services in the Energy and Power Sector.

We organize webinars for various Energy Industry OEMs and technology providers targeting the energy transition industry for B2B lead generation, demand generation, and branding programs. Topics include sustainability, decarbonization, achieving net zero, CBAM, green initiatives and efficient industrial power operations. We have a database of over 100,000 targeted C-suite decision-makers in the Power & Energy Industry worldwide who make decisions on improving operations with a goal of reducing their carbon footprint and minimizing their emissions profile. These may include digital solutions, grid software, grid modernization, T&D upgrades, Asset Performance Management solutions, energy storage technologies, CCUS, hydrogen, fuel cells, bio-fuels, biomass to name a few. We have covered over 100 different topics in the energy transition space focused on promoting decarbonization solutions as well technology brand building supported with use-cases, Feed Studies and pilot program results.

07/01/2020 Intelligent Cement Plants – Addressing the Missing Links that can Generate Value & Competitive Advantage
06/30/2020 Supercharge your Natural Gas SCR – Strategic Solutions for Ultra-High Performing SCR’s
06/10/2020 Improvements in SCR Performance Through System Modifications
06/03/2020 Improving Efficiency and DeNOx Performance Through Smart Combustion and NOx Monitoring
06/02/2020 Say Goodbye to Winterization for Hemp and Cannabis Processing
05/27/2020 Using Real-Time Data and Modeling to Safely Maximize Boiler Output While Reducing OPEX and Emissions (Americas)
05/27/2020 Using Real-Time Data and Modeling to Safely Maximize Boiler Output While Reducing OPEX and Emissions (Europe / Asia)
04/23/2020 Multifuel and WTE Plants - Fuel Flexibility and Decarbonization in Utility & CHP
03/19/2020 Reducing the Total Cost of Ownership of Cement Plant Pulse-Jet Baghouses
03/17/2020 Innovative Catalyst Design Overcomes High Dust SCR Challenges
11/19/2019 The benefits of CFB technology for Multi-fuel CHP and WTE plants (Asia)
11/19/2019 The benefits of CFB technology for Multi-fuel CHP and WTE plants (Americas)
11/14/2019 Control Invasive Mussel Biofouling to Improve Plant Availability and Reduce Maintenance
11/07/2019 Minimizing HRSG Costs and Limitations for Small Scale Power Generation Using Vertical Once Through Boiler Technology
10/23/2019 IoT solutions for Improving Power, Cogen and CHP Plant Performance and Operation (Americas)
10/23/2019 IoT solutions for Improving Power, Cogen and CHP Plant Performance and Operation (Global)
10/02/2019 Assessing the True Costs of Filter Bags in Cement Kiln Baghouses
9/12/2019 The Benefits of CFB Technology for Utility Power
8/06/2019 The Growing use of Petcoke for Power Generation using CFB Technology (Americas)
8/06/2019 The Growing use of Petcoke for Power Generation using CFB Technology (Asia)
7/18/2019 The Value Proposition for Large scale CFB Coal Technology for Indian Sub-continent
6/26/2019 The Benefits of CFB scrubbing technology
5/29/2019 Getting Grounded on CIP-013-1 Requirements for Bulk Electric Systems
5/22/2019 Analyzing Current and Historical Electricity Rate and Consumption Data for Optimum Energy Management
5/14/2019 Leveraging DHS Grant Program to Address Physical and Cyber Security Vulnerabilities in US Ports
5/08/2019 The Growing Use Of Fuel & Carbon Flexible Cfb Technology
5/02/2019 Realigning The Project Management Framework For A Changing Power & Utilities Sector
4/04/2019 Optimizing CO and VOC Oxidation for Gas Turbine Power Generation
3/19/2019 The Benefits of CFB Technology for Utility Power
2/13/2019 Improving CFB Plant Operation & Reliability with Smart Services (Asia)
2/13/2019 Improving CFB Plant Operation & Reliability with Smart Services (Americas)
11/13/2018 Power Plant Cybersecurity & NERC CIP Compliance - How to Prepare, Plan & Respond
11/07/2018 The Growing use of Petcoke for Power Generation using CFB Technology
10/23/2018 The Value Proposition for Large scale CFB Coal Technology for Indian Sub-continent
10/11/2018 Hydrogen Auxiliary System Upgrades: A Guide to Maintaining Your Power Generator
9/18/2018 Expanding Load Flexibility with SCR Solutions
9/12/2018 Large Scale CFB Technology for Lignites and Low Rank Coals
7/24/2018 Accessing National Electricity Rates to Optimize Your Energy Management Programs
7/18/2018 New Tax Law Impact on Power and Utility Industry - Empowering Digital Performance Optimization
6/26/2018 IoT solutions for Improving Power, Cogen and CHP Plant Performance and Operation (Americas)
6/26/2018 IoT solutions for Improving Power, Cogen and CHP Plant Performance and Operation (Global)
6/20/2018 Emergency Preparedness - Partnering with the Right O&M Company for Your Solar PV Assets
6/06/2018 Meeting New LCP BREF Standards with the GORE Mercury and SO2 Control System
5/23/2018 Large scale CFB Technology for Greenfield and Repowering Applications
5/22/2018 Improving SCR Performance on Gas Fired Units Best Practices, Preventative Maintenance, Inspection and Testing
5/08/2018 How to Manage Your SCR Catalyst Effectively
5/02/2018 Improving Profitability Through High Performance Filter Media for Cement Kiln Applications
4/26/2018 Low Carbon and Carbon Neutral Energy Solutions using CFB Technology
3/28/2018 The Importance of Optimal SCR Operation in Diverse Applications
2/27/2018 Proven Diesel LPV SCR Technology for Upcoming German NOx Emission Regulations
2/20/2018 Fuel and Carbon Flexibility Benefits Provided by CFB Technology
1/31/2018 Optimizing Power Boiler Hot Gas Filtration Using High Performance Filter Media
1/24/2018 Eliminate Ammonia Handling Hazard for SCRs Through On-Site Urea Conversion Technologies
1/23/2018 Hydrogen Cooled Turbo Generator Safety Practices: Protecting Your Most Valuable Assets
11/16/2017 Solar PV Deployment Best Practices - Making Solar work on Co-ops and Munis (US)
11/08/2017 Safe Guarding T&D Assets Against Fault Currents - South East Asia
11/07/2017 Safe Guarding T&D Assets Against Fault Currents - Europe
10/31/2017 Use of Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion for Lignite & Low Quality Fuels
10/24/2017 Advances in Scr Catalyst Technology To Optimize Emissions Control
10/18/2017 Emerging Trends in Multi-fuel CFBs
09/26/2017 Smart Boiler Services to Improve Reliability, Reduce Maintenance, and Extend Life
08/30/2017 Gas Burner Solutions for Industrial and Power Boilers
08/08/2017 Smart Boiler Services to Improve Reliability, Reduce Maintenance, and Extend Life
07/11/2017 Fault Current Limiters - Unlocking Capacity in Fault Constrained Electrical Networks
06/28/2017 Combustion Turbine Plants - Innovative Wastewater Treatment Operations for Zero-Liquid-Discharge
06/27/2017 Keys to Combustion & Emissions Optimization: STEP-wise NOx Reduction, Fuel Switching and Combustion Optimization
06/20/2017 Improving HRSG Reliability & Long-term Ageing Management – Best Practices in Protecting your HRSG Investment
06/13/2017 Process Optimization, Efficiency Improvements and Reduced Maintenance from Using an AbSensor Acid Dew Point Meter
05/10/2017 Far East - The Growing Experience of Fuel Flexible Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology in Large Scale Power Generation
05/09/2017 US & Europe - The Growing Experience of Fuel Flexible Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology in Large Scale Power Generation
05/09/2017 India - The Growing Experience of Fuel Flexible Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology in Large Scale Power Generation
05/03/2017 Efficient Ammonia Desulfurization Technology (EADS) Provides a Versatile Process for SO2 and PM Removal
04/25/2017 Benefits of Multi-Pollutant Gas-Fired SCR Applications
04/06/2017 Cómo Optimizar en México la Disponibilidad y la Preparación para Emergencias de Calderas Industriales para Poder Satisfacer la Creciente Demanda de Energía
03/22/2017 Actualización de Herramienta Recomendada por GE: Perno de Acoplamiento Tensor Hidráulico de los Cuadros 6, 7 y 9 de Riverhawk
03/20/2017 GE Recommended Tooling Upgrade: Frames 6, 7 and 9 Coupling Bolt Hydraulic Tensioner by Riverhawk
03/07/2017 Solution For High Dust SCR Applications
02/28/2017 Fault Current Limiters - Unlocking Capacity in Fault Constrained Electrical Networks
02/23/2017 Correcting Coal Ash Chemistry with CoalTreat Leads to Improved Boiler Operations
02/22/2017 PetroPower – A High-Value, Strategic Energy Solution
02/21/2017 Increase Combustion Turbine Output & Profitability - Overcome Temperature, Altitude & Humidity Considerations
02/08/2017 Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology Enables Utility-Scale Biomass Power Generation
12/01/2016 Cubriendo la necesidad energética de México: Convierte los retos de combustión de las turbinas en Utilidades
11/10/2016 Next Gen HRSG Design for Large Capacity Gas Turbines
10/26/2016 GE Recommended Tooling Upgrade: Frames 6, 7 and 9 Coupling Bolt Hydraulic Tensioner by Riverhawk
09/27/2016 Partnering with Adani to Capitalize on India's Rapidly Growing Environmental Equipment Market
07/19/2016 Laboratory SCR Catalyst Management Testing Procedures and Reporting
06/23/2016 Integrated Solutions for CCR, ELG & Ash Pond Closures
06/01/2016 A flexible multifuel CHP solution - The Zabrze CFB project in Poland
05/31/2016 Custom Engineered Solutions: Hydraulic Tooling and Components for Turbomachinery Applications
05/24/2016 Optimizing SCR Catalysts to Strategically Accommodate Low Load & Load Cycling
05/10/2016 Choosing Fabric Filters or Cartridge Collectors for Industrial Dust Control
04/19/2016 Controlling PM and Acid Gas Mist in Industrial Plants with Wet ESPs
04/12/2016 Smart NOx Reduction - Optimizing Coal Mills, Coal/Air Balancing, Burners & SNCR/SCR Systems to Meet Tougher NOx Emission Standards
03/11/2016 Using Hydraulic Tensioning to Reduce Costs In Petroleum Refineries
03/01/2016 Smart Technology Solutions to Meet the New BREF Mercury Limits
02/09/2016 Reducing Natural Gas Emissions with CORMETECH’s METEOR™ Multi-Function SCR Catalyst
02/04/2016 Hydraulic Tensioning v. Heat and Torque for Your Turbomachinery Applications - United States & Europe
02/04/2016 Hydraulic Tensioning v. Heat and Torque for Your Turbomachinery Applications - Europe & Asia
01/19/2016 Flexible HRSGs by Amec Foster Wheeler – Design, Operation, and Delivery
11/19/2015 Coal-to-Gas Conversion Considerations: Thermal & Industrial Power Plants
11/18/2015 SCR Catalyst Management Optimization Strategies for Refinery/Petrochemical Emissions Control Applications
11/05/2015 Reducing NOx in the Most Cost Effective Way: PC Low-NOx Systems
10/27/2015 Reliably Reducing Air-to-Gas Leakage with Adaptive High Performance Brush Seals
10/20/2015 The Samcheok Project – The Future of Clean Coal Technology
10/13/2015 Taking Biomass to Utility Scale Power Production with Advanced Bio CFB Technology: The Polaniec Power Station, Poland
09/29/2015 Ash Management – Smart Tips for Conforming to the New CCR Rules
09/23/2015 Hydraulic Tensioning v. Torque: Design Considerations for Turbomachinery Equipment
09/10/2015 How to Select a Process Specific Package Boiler for your Application?
09/02/2015 ESP & Fabric Filter Considerations for Meeting Environmental Regulations: MATS, MACT, Regional Haze, and European BREF
08/18/2015 Taking Pulverized Coal (PC) Supercritical Technology to the Next Level: The Longview Power Project, USA
07/07/2015 Gaining the Competitive Edge: Improving Coal Fired Boiler Efficiency through Reliable Measurements
06/02/2015 Dual Flow Tray wFGD Technology – A Very Cost Effective Solution for Coal Plants Facing Tightening Air Emissions Regulations in the USA and Europe
05/05/2015 Performance Optimization Strategies for Natural Gas SCR Catalyst
04/28/2015 Specialized Maintenance and Engineering Services Allow HRSG Owners to Protect Their Investment
03/27/2015 Make in India: Investing & Manufacturing in Special Economic Zones
03/10/2015 SDA and CFB Scrubbers – Two High Value Solutions to meet MATS, RH, and CSAPR
01/13/2015 Maximizing the Mercury Oxidation Potential of your SCR Catalyst System